Thursday, March 25, 2010

I Wish I Could Share With You...

...that moment on the trampoline, with the sunlight husky over the rooftop and the music turned up loud in the corner of the yard; my hair twisting in the air, over my eyes, against my mouth. The air is cool and clean against the hollow of my neck, a pale curve above the edge of my sweater. Every breath is fresh and bittersweet, my lungs fighting to expand far enough. Mac, a little imp with golden hair, is chasing me in big, bounding circles and I'm laughing until it's caught in my chest and I have to stop. Riley is singing and dancing, jumping and flipping, her long, brown legs flying over our heads. I pause to savor the thudding of my heart and laughter of my friends. The sun is about to roll behind the horizon, a shockingly orange sphere, memerizing to me. And for a second I can feel it, like dust filtering down from the fading sky - happiness, sprinkled across my shoulders.


  1. Is this the beginning to your book?


  2. just something i journaled...but maybe it should be :)

  3. Girlie, you create such pictures with your words!! Brings tears to my eyes--cuz I was right there--taking it all in!!
    Love MOM
